Saturday 29 October 2016

GURPSGen: ArmourGen and BeamGen released!

I've posted before about my Github repositories for releasing my little generators (random and otherwise) but in the past few weeks I've been slowly grooming them for a proper release as real, honest-to-god software. I now have a page on this blog that introduces them, describes the current release and points towards the Github pages, newly-revamped as actual programs for release rather than a dumping ground for code.

To lower your expectations somewhat, the programs both run in a terminal and need Python3 installed. If you're not familiar with interacting with programs in the terminal, it'll probably be too complicated to open and run for you. My top priority with development now is to implement a graphical interface so more people can use it. To that end, I'm in contact with the developer of the GURPS Star System Generator to see about using the same web-based GUI. In an ideal world, I'll be able to host it on a webpage rather than force you to download it, making it 1000% more accessible. The only issue I foresee with this is with importing generated items to GURPS Character Sheet but I'm more than willing to sacrifice that for a drastic increase in usability.

I'll make posts for further updates as and when they come.

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