Monday 4 April 2016

Playbook: Alternative Reluctant Killer

Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) is, basically speaking, totally broken. It forces your character into the same depressive stupor as Cannot Kill [-15] after actually killing anyone, while severely impeding your ability to do anything in combat, for a mere -5 points. Put bluntly, its underpriced, doesn't produce interesting roleplaying and is totally pointless. So I tried to fix it. Your mileage may vary.

Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]
You are psychologically unprepared to kill people. Whenever you deal enough damage to inflict a major wound, incapacitate, or kill an obvious person whose face is visible to you, you must make a Fright Check (Basic Set p. 360). This roll is at -4 if you can see the foe's face or are in close combat, or at -2 you cannot see their face due to a mask, darkness, or distance, or because you attacked from behind. You do not have to make a Fright Check when attacking a vehicle (even an occupied one), an opponent you do not believe is a person (including things with Horrific or Monstrous appearance), or a target you can’t actually see (e.g., a set of map coordinates or a blip on a radar screen). During combat, you can claim the +5 to the Fright Check for being in the heat of combat! After the battle is over, you must roll once more without it, with an additional penalty equal to the number of people you killed (or believed you killed). If you find out that you were incorrect about whether something you killed was a person (for example, something you thought was a robot turned out to be a human in a suit), you must immediately make another Fright Check.

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