Friday 25 November 2016

Cross-Post: Generic Universal Roleplaying Blog

It was only a month or two ago that I got back into reading the content published around the GURPS-o-sphere (collated over at Gaming Ballistic) and one of the blogs that had escaped my attention before was The Generic Universal Roleplaying Blog. Me and TheRyujinLP seem to have a lot in common – we both like GURPS Ultra-Tech and science fiction, as well as having a penchant for ripping apart existing GURPS systems to see how they work and build our own. Unlike me, however, Ryujin has been much more regular in their posting and has deconstructed a lot of the equipment from GURPS Ultra-Tech to produce systems for designing your own gear. So far my favourite posts of theirs, in no particular order, have been Plasma Guns, Re-EnergisedPower Armour, Powered Up; and Totally Not Lightsabres. If you enjoy my posts on ultra-tech equipment, definitely check this blog out.


  1. Dude you're awesome. That's for the shout out for my blog!

    Speaking of cross posts, if you are ever interested in doing some cross blog shenanigans let me know (drop me a PM over on the forum)! Just as a heads up though I'm gonna kinda be shaky with my ability to concatenate on blog stuff for the next month or so. Between work and a severer case of the real lifes happening atm I been having to put my blog on the back burner more and more. After the holidays are up though things should be calmed down enough for me to get back to more regular scheduling.

    1. That should say, *Thanks for the shout out.* not That's for the shout out lol.
